Saturday, October 22, 2005

Into a Spacious Place

"You have not handed me over to the enemy but have set my feet in a spacious place." - Ps. 31.8

"He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me." - Ps. 18:19

Lately I have been thinking about this "spacious place" Paul writes about in Psalms. What does he mean? What does it look like? I know that Paul went through some significant sufferings when his adversaries were after his life. I wonder if Paul's spacious place was a place that was devoid of all enemies, where he could find complete safety in the arms of God.

Does God have a spacious place set aside for each of us? When I think about this place, I think of the view from a plane's window while traveling at high altitudes. I love to look out and see a bed of clouds that look like gigantic pillows. They are surrounded by absolutely nothing but the empty, spacious blue sky. I think of my spacious place as such a place w/out worries, w/out the pressures of this world, w/out accusations, w/out brokenness.

It helps me sleep at night to close my eyes and put myself in this place. I picture Jesus walking steadily towards me, to meet me in this serenity. Just me and Him. I try my hardest to touch his robe, to sense the power of this friend who desperately wants to meet with me.

I like this spacious place. What is your's?


At 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

More thoughts from Ian!

--request from Blacksburg

At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your clouds spacious place. Pretty cool. But I kinda get the shakes when at really really high places so that might not be for me. I mean, if there wasn't a real worry of falling off of the edge of a poofy cloud...which I guess goes along with no worries...then I'm in.

But it varies from time to time with me, at some it is with a group of people who are so good to hang out with that it makes my whole mind set get estatic. I guess that would be the spacious fellowship place.

But then at other times, I like to just vacate the existence of human kind. Sometimes on a run with wide open trails...other times in a closed up room with nothing but the company of silence...and a lot of spaciousness.

Well there you go.

Hope mond of the rich isn't too cold. I think I froze my face off somewhere outside down here in Blacksburg.



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