Thursday, August 11, 2005

Wireless Energy Invention

Warning: the following is highly confidential. If someone else claims this as their invention, I'll be ticked!

Check this out... we now have wireless internet, which is nice. I'm no electrical engineer, but I imagine there is a signal that is emitted by a wireless router which is then picked up by laptops. We already have the whole signal flying in the air technology, why not have WIRELESS ENERGY?! You have this thing which transmits signals of energy, and all electronic devices simply tap into it. No more wires, no more pesky outlets in the wall, it would be a different world.

Scott Randa has made the comment, "don't they already have that? It's called a 'battery'". Well Scott, you're wrong. Can a battery fly in the air like a signal can? It doesn't even look like a wavy thing that a signal looks like. Signals have cusps and frequencies and what not. Does a battery have all those things? Nope! Don't worry Scott, I have already thought this all through. It's fool-proof.


At 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Genius. Pure genius. Batteries don't fly through the air! Hahahah!

Did you get off just the truck?

At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian here.

Yeah, I think that idea came out years ago. It was called... "lightning". Good idea though, keep 'em coming.


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