Friday, March 17, 2006

Head Exploding

Let me keep this whole thing in perspective...

- I've been looking for a job since really the beginning of January

- I posted my resume on about 2 weeks ago

- Next day, I received 5 calls

- This week, I received 2 offers from places here in Richmond

With that being said, this is an answer to prayer. I have been asking for God to provide me with a job that I would
enjoy. The latter part is yet to be determined, but I can bank on God's goodness for that. I heard a sermon recently talk about the Fall. I am realizing that this next gig is probably not going to be easy. It will (hopefully) be more enjoyable, at least more so than my last job, but it's probably going to be hard. And that's how it's supposed to be. After Adam and Eve screwed up, God said: "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food" (Gen. 3:19). Work is gonna be hard, no matter what you're doing, and that's cool. But I do still believe it can be something you like to do.

So the decision is, what job should I take? Between the 2 offers here in Richmond, I know which one I'd take. However, I had an interview yesterday morning for a position as web developer for the Lynchburg City Schools. The dude after me said he had started his own web development company 5 years ago and has been doing it ever since. Pretty good competition ;-) So the decision then is, do I take this job in Richmond which looks sweet, or do I say no and hold out for the
potential of another job in Lynchburg with some really good competition?

When thinking about this whole thing I felt like my head was going to explode last night. Like it was going to spontaneously combust. I'm not always the best at making decisions. I'll analyze every possible situation and consequence and then analyze it again. Then again just to be sure. Then I'll ask 45 different people about it. Meanwhile God is saying the whole time, "Ian... anytime you want to talk about this, I'm right here."

Yup - venting. I'll post another blog w/in the next week or so with what I decide. Thanks to my audience for reading my thoughts :-)


At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good stuff. It looks like your working through a tough situation pretty well. You may have did this...but from my job searching experience recently...I found so many things floating around in my head that it drove me crazy too. I, being also an analytical person, took a pen and paper and made a list of criteria that were important to me and weighed each position with them...multiple times just in case I forgot something.

I'll be praying for you dude.


At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know that the harder thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing? Nothing that has meaning is easy. "Easy" doesn't enter into grown-up life. To get anything of value, you have to sacrifice.

---An old friend...

At 6:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, thats quoted directly from The Weather Man. Michael Caine. There's too much cursing in the movie.


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